Home > MPS robotic family > MAESTRO Software > Mixture Maker

The Mixture Maker from GERSTEL is a bench-top blending station with dedicated software, designed for highly accurate automated generation of flavor and fragrance blends from a large number of ingredients. In addition to flavor generation, also referred to as flavor creation, sample generation, or aroma recombination, the generated mixtures constitute the perfect basis for performing aroma omission and flavor omission experiments.

More than 900 raw materials (essential oils, extracts...) can be stored protected from light in 3 cooled stacks with 3 drawers each. Ingredient shelf-life is monitored by the software to ensure that the generated mixtures are always of the highest quality. 

The Mixture Maker generates blends by adding volumes in μL to mL range, resulting in significant savings on the costly ingredients often required in flavor and fragrance product development when using manual procedures.

Weighing is performed automatically as needed and is used for individual ingredient delivery calibration or for general liquid additions when highest possible accuracy is required. 

The Mixture Maker software includes detailed ingredient information, with individual correction factors, recipe checks and ingredient stock monitoring including shelf-life information. 

All steps in the process and deviations in weight are logged, allowing the flavorist to take corrective action. The Mixture Maker is designed for uninterrupted 24/7 operation and highest productivity.

  • Miniaturization, blending in μL to lower mL range
  • Raw material savings up to 90 %, excellent ROI
  • Easy automated generation of series of flavors
  • Automation level for common flavors > 75%
  • Automation level up to 100% for test or calibration mixtures
  • Recipes can be generated in LIMS and imported
  • Recipe administration
  • Weighing of liquid additions for highest accuracy
  • Ingredient Status check before mixing is started
  • Full protocol of all steps, deviations, and ingredients/recipes used
  • 24/7 availability

Other application areas include the generation of highly accurate Multi-Method standards, for example for the analysis of pesticides in food and feed, or in environmental samples. 

Customer voice: 
“Instead of dispensing milliliters or larger volumes by hand, the MPS performs the job dispensing only a few µL of an ingredient in order to create a new fragrance. The automation and miniaturization of the process using the Mixture Maker resulted in savings in raw product usage of up to 80-90 %”.